Encuentro de los mares



Giuseppe Iannotti: “I don’t have a menu. That is sustainable”

David Salvador


Iannotti presented his 8pus fish delivery service at Meeting of the Seas, an initiative which makes use of all parts of the fish, and he takes them to the diner with a certain amount of pedagogy.

Iannotti calls for an integral sustainability which takes account of the product “but does not rule out menus”.

The chef of the Krèsios* restaurant (Telese Terme, Campania, Italy) used his talk on Monday at the 3rd Meeting of the Seas to call for maritime sustainability too “from a village in the hinterland, 100 kilometres from the Mediterranean and also 100 kilometres from the Atlantic”. Cooking a salmon fat hot dog “with zero wastage”, Iannotti explained his understanding of sustainability: “I don’t work with a menu because I cook what the land gives up every day. Produce that clearly comes from the restaurant’s gardens and fields”. 

The Italian, however, does not rule out working with other products, as he does with fish. “I can bring in Balfegó tuna, for example, although I mainly work with the Italian fishermen I know”. With these, during lockdown the man declared Best Young Chef in 2012 by Le Guide de L’Espresso – one of Italy’s leading guides – devised 8pus, a delivery project the main philosophy of which is full use of every part of the fish. “We use all its sections, not just the fillets. For example, we make stews with the bones and the heads, we use the skin to make food crunchier, and we ferment some of it … there are a lot of solutions out there, but you just have to work at them”.

Iannotti created two menus with 8pus (one ready to serve, for nearby destinations, and another to regenerate, which was sent all over Italy), and has managed to maintain the “economic and moral sustainability of my employees, who have not stopped work”, he explained.
